Love, Poetry and Revolution - Friday 21st July 2023

Back to work after yesterday's joyous graduation celebrations, but my bubble can't be burst because it is Friday.

Walked before working, then got down to it. It will be a busy day as there's lots that needs completing, not helped by the fact that I had yesterday off, but I care not!

Work is over.  Let the weekend commence.

This week's poem is 'Day Trip' by Carole Satyamurti, which has some compelling imagery and a hint of oblivion:

Two women, seventies, hold hands 
on the edge of Essex, 
hair in strong nets, 
shrieked laughter echoing gulls 
as shingle sucks from under feet 
easing in brine. 

There must be an unspoken point 
when the sea feels like 
their future. No longer paddling, 
ankles submerge in lace, 
in satin ripple.
Dress hems darken.
They do not risk their balance 
for the shimmering of ships 
at the horizon's sweep 
as, thigh deep, they inch on 
fingers splayed, wrists bent, 
learning to walk again.

An early-ish dinner as sons 1, 2 and his gf are off out for drinks at a friends house.  Usual cafuffle over departures preceded by a fun chat with son #2's gf.

Zebedee intervenes, as always.

The B-52's /  'Love Shack'  / 'Cosmic Thing'

[[I was torn between two B-52's tracks: 'Roam' which I like even more than this one, or this which is overplayed and too well-known, but equally a song which makes me feel good.  So, 'Shack it is.

The B-52's are one of many bands who wrote and played some great songs, but so often filled the rest of their albums with stuff that was really average.  Great riffs, great vocals, but just missing the spot. Damn. Another such band being Cheap Trick.]]


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