Love, Poetry and Revolution - Thursday 20th July 2023

Today is son #3's graduation though it being a Thursday, I have to get up extra-early to be ready for the arrival of our cleaner.  We're supposed to arrive at the university two hours before the ceremony so we have to get a move on, either way.

No walk to start the day as I don't want to get sweaty and I don't have the time for another shower - the bathroom is going to be very busy.

It's a glorious day, maybe with the risk of being too warm, for those who will be suited and robed.

First there's ironing to be done for me and for son #3 as we need to look right for all the photographs.  As some of you know, I have a think for bright shirts, particularly on special occasions.  I have decided to choose a different shirt for today as I don't want my shirt to detract in any way from son #3's robes etc.  I have chosen a blue-ish shirt with a subtle repeating infinity motif from the same designers as the more outrageous ones.  Seems like a fair compromise.

We're heading for the graduation in two tranches: the main party including me, son #3 and his gf who will be present in the great hall; the second, larger, party consists of sons 1 and 2 and their gfs. 

They will be watching a live steam on the same campus as the ceremony, after which we'll all meet up for some photos together then get the shuttle bus back to the main campus for more photos, a reception and food, hopefully.

It's mid-afternoon and we're back.  What a wonderful day! I am a very proud dad and know that E would have been a very proud mum if she could have been there.  We have told her about the day and shown her photographs, but unfortunately we have no idea if she understands any of it.  We don't even know what she can see, so maybe she can't even focus on the photos. Such a shame as I know she would be so proud of son #3.

There are lots of photos and videos to sort through now, but I think we have a great record of the day and memories to last a lifetime.

The rest of the afternoon was fairly chilled, before we organised a celebration Chinese takeaway for dinner, which we ate while watching a couple of episodes of the excellent Bridget Christie series, 'The Change'.

Flamingods /  'Dreams (On The Strip)'  / (Single)



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