Love, Poetry and Revolution - Friday 30th June 2023

It's Friday, and thus the last day of the working week.  On the early morning huddle call, people (including the project manager) are commenting that it's great that it's almost the weekend.   It's a sentiment that I endorse, but equally I feel it's sad that people are wishing the bulk of their life away.  Perhaps it's just human nature to feel that way, no matter what you do, but I reckon some jobs provide more fulfilment and enjoyment than others do. It feels like we got something fundamentally wrong, way back when.  Life is short, all too short, so why do we spend our time on this earth in drudgery?  Smash the cistern!

Down to work! Cripohit! Izzy wizzy...

Unexpectedly, I'm off out to the pub tonight, to meet up with friends who are visiting from Berlin.  I think there'll be a big group as it's 'come one, come all' invitation.  Change of dinner plans, as I needed something quick and early so that I can catch a bus to the edge of the campus and walk to the pub in the middle.

Back late after a fun evening catching up. We sat outside as the place was very busy (some sort of reunion event was underway), and it was like a November evening. Some great conversations, especially about music and bands - one of the guys is a drummer and has played with various bands and roadied for some big names.  Tales to tell. The day started warm, but by the evening it was wet, windy and ruddy cold.

Had a chat with Q whilst at the pub, as our bedtimes did not coincide at all. Cold, wet but clean stop out.

Hawkwind / 'Assault And Battery/The Golden Void' / 'Warrior At The Edge of Time'

[[This is an absolute favourite, so much so that it is interwoven in my DNA.  I love the way it starts, bass line, synths, then the cymbals take up the rhythm and then whoosh! The band kicks in. The first time I heard it, that was such a thrill. Even now, when I know exactly what's coming, when the band kicks in, absolute heaven!!!  Not only that, but I love the spacey feel of the track after the chorus when Nik's flute winds its way amongst the keys.  SFC!]]


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