Love, Poetry and Revolution - Friday 28th July 2023

The weekend looms large, but a full day of work first. Probably the worst night's sleep so far this week, and that's saying something in a really lousy week of sleep.

Before that, though, a walk and a chat with Q: this weekend is going to be a busy one, but more on that later.

Q and I had a couple of very useful discussions as well as finalising the details (as much as we can) for tomorrow.

For a variety of reasons it looks like there's an increasing chance I'll be sticking with my current client into 2024, though it's not 100% certain yet.  I imagine I'll know by mid- to late-August.  That could work very well.

Early evening I had an important conversation with son #1, hopefully this might be the start of something really helpful for him.

Son #3, his gf and I made dinner and we all ate together and watched the second episode of 'Dreaming Whilst Black'

More convos then sleep after reading, I hope.

James Ellis Ford /  'I Never Wanted Anything'  / 'The Hum'



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