Tales From The Crypt - Friday 20th to Saturday 21st May 2022


Another working day begins with a walk, which I'm pleased with but after that, it is a working day interspersed with a bit of packing - I'm going to be leaving straight after work tonight.

Arrived at Q's house at around 7 p.m. and we ordered some food to be delivered from Wagamama.  Strange as it may seem, I think it's the first time I've had food from there.  Glad I did, because it was very good, especially the coconut, prawn and rice dish I had.

We watched a couple of episodes of 'Anatomy Of A Scandal', and then Zebedee's orders were followed.


A lazy start to the day, followed by a walk to the shops to buy food, odds and sods and a relaxing cup of coffee. It's turning into a sunny day and the shopping trip has allowed me to exceed my brisk walking target for the day again.

After installing a new front doorbell at Q's, we did a spot of weeding out in the back garden, before our evening meal, which was bookended by the final episodes of 'Anatomy Of A Scandal'. The series took an interesting twist before just desserts were dished out.  An enjoyable little series which raised a few interesting questions, which we stopped the programme to discuss.

Throughout the day Q has been following the Australian general election, and, as the day progresses, it looks increasingly likely that the right-wing coalition will be toppled. Q is very hopeful, as am I. Later in the day, it's clear that the Labor (that's how it's spelt folks!) party will be able to form a minority government, at the very least.  Hopefully, this is a good sign for the UK and maybe we can get rid of the bunch of clowns currently destroying the country.

The day ends in the normal way it does here.

Microdisney / 'Patrick Moore Says You Can't Sleep Here' / 'Love Your Enemies'



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