Tales From The Crypt - Tuesday 17th May 2022

Started the day with an early morning brisk walk.  Hit my 30-minute target and managed to combine it with a joyous chat to set me up for breakfast and work.

The working day has been going reasonably well, or at least it was until an expected occurrence threw a spanner in the works. My focus now is on spanner removal.

Chicken casserole for dinner tonight and as it requires almost an hour of cooking time I've decided to start it early.  I've also decided I'm bored of preparing potatoes, so tonight, Matthew, I'll be doing couscous. Get you!

I ate alone while watching a couple more episodes of 'Undone', which I'm really enjoying. It's very different and suitably strange. Right up my street.

Cleared up, went upstairs, got ready for bed and sleep by way of papers and conversation.

Working Men's Club / 'Widow' / 'Fear'

[[I keep hearing this and it has wormed its way into my brain]]


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