Tales From The Crypt - Sunday 22nd May 2022

Slow start to Sunday, with an excellent breakfast of bacon, chipolatas, poached egg and toast, followed by toast and marmalade. Who could resist? Q is such a good cook.

Rather than make a coffee, it's such a glorious day we've decided to walk down to the quay and drink coffee in the sun, while Rome burns. Before we go we hang the washing out as it may just get dry during our peregrinations. The sun is great, the company is even greater (or should that be greaterer?) and into the bargain, I've exceeded my brisk walking target yesterday and again today.

We walk back in the sun and decide, though it's past lunchtime we're still too full for lunch, a feeling enhanced in my case by being unable to resist (I did try, for a second or less) an almond croissant in the coffee shop.

Before starting work (well, work in Q's case, whereas I'm booking a birthday meal (mine), fannying about on this site, setting my Bullet Journal up for next week, and having a few message exchanges with sons 1 to 3) we have a very light lunch.  Once work is over (I use the term loosely, in my case), we start making dinner, which is not burnt at the steak (sic (bastard)).

After dinner, we watch the final two episodes of the final series of 'Derry Girls'.  I laugh a lot, but my sides remain intact.

Sleep beckons and we succumb.

Vendredi sur Mer / 'Le Lac' / 'Metamorphose'



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