Tales From The Crypt - Monday 23rd May 2022

Unfortunately, I have to travel home this morning.  I have to resign myself to living two lives for the foreseeable future, even though it's not what I want most. I still have to honour the commitment I made because I wouldn't be me if I didn't. So there it is.

As if to hammer this home, I arrive back to find two nurses about to change E's catheter. Two nurses, because one is a trainee, I believe. This process prompts two further events, the most important of which is me placing an order with the Continence Service for new catheters and a multitude of other consumable items.

Also waiting for me on my return was a large parcel from The Folio Society containing a wonderfully illustrated (by Ralph Steadman) copy of one of my all-time favourite books, 'Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas', by Hunter S. Thompson.  Opening the package and removing the book from its slipcase revealed an edition every bit as good as I'd hoped. Gonzo!

My original plan for the morning will not come to pass, but instead, I manage to get a whole lot of organising done, as well as, inevitably, some washing for E.

After lunch, during which I watched another episode of 'Undone', I shifted my attention to the weekend's papers.  

At some point in the early afternoon, I read the very sad news that Cathal Coughlan is dead.  Only a few weeks ago I was planning to write something here about why I love his song lyrics so much.  The music he created as a member of Microdisney (with Sean O'Hagan), The Fatima Mansions and as a solo artist, not to mention his collaborations with others, have formed a backdrop to my life since the mid-1980s. His loss is very sad and, at least for me, unexpected. The photo below from the inner sleeve of 'Viva Dead Ponies', is a favourite.

Tributes from The Guardian, and The Quietus along with an interview with Cathal from 2021 on the release of his solo album, once again from The Quietus.

Very kindly son #3 and his gf offered to make dinner tonight, which allowed me to play a few songs from Microdisney and The Fatima Mansions.  Great to hear his voice and words again.

Over dinner, the three of us watched another episode of Doctor Who while son #2 ate his dinner talking to his gf.

The day came to a close with a chat with Q before reading and sleeping. Gideon Coe was playing songs by Cathal Coughlan in tribute which was a good way to enter the land of sleep.

Microdisney / 'Bluerings' / '39 Minutes'



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