Tales From The Crypt - Wednesday 25th May 2022

Unlike yesterday, I have decided to walk regardless.  A little earlier than usual as I forgot the carer wasn't coming because E remains in the hospital.

I feel better after my walk, now on with the working day, with both hands tied behind my back, metaphorically speaking.

Late morning I call the hospital to find out what's going on with E. She is still on antibiotics via an IV, so she'll not be coming home today. I arrange a visit to see her tonight, just to see how things are going.

E didn't really open her eyes at all while I was with her, but she is looking better, though still on IV antibiotics.  They'll be taking blood and other samples to check how the infection is responding to the antibiotics and expect to have an update tomorrow.  Whilst I was there an incident occurred which made me appreciate she was in the best place and is receiving the best possible care.  Well done the doctors and nurses.

We ate dinner watching another Doctor Who (all of us!) before it was time to put the rubbish out.

After putting the bins out, I retired upstairs for a chat with Q as she drove home from London.  Sleep beckons.

The Fatima Mansions / 'You Won't Get Me Home' / 'Against Nature'



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