Tales From The Crypt - Wednesday 4th May 2022

Happy 83rd birthday to 'Finnegans Wake', published on this day in 1939. The occasion is worthy of a greater celebration, but I don't think I'll have enough time until the evening when my brain will no longer be up to the job. If it ever was.

Work occupies the day completely.

In the evening son #3 makes dinner and we sit down together and watch the final episode of series 12 of 'Doctor Who'.  As the season finale, it ends on a cliff-hanger (not a coat hanger) and we may start series 13 tomorrow night, if there's time (it's Idler night tomorrow night!)

Blah, blah, blah, bed, blah, blah, blah, sleep, blah, blah, blah, repeat (minus one thing!)

Sharon Van Etten / 'Used To It' / (Single)



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