Tales From The Crypt - Tuesday 24th May 2022

Despite needing to walk, I decided against it so I could focus on working on the assumption that the access problems of last week would be resolved. Well, you know what they say about assumptions, and, lo! It came to pass that nothing had come to pass in three days.  Still, as it turns out this was the least of my worries.

It's strange that life turns on the smallest of details and so it was today. When the first carer arrived, I remarked on how tired E was looking. Unremarkable in itself, and yet somehow in a barely perceptible way also unusual at the same time.  This little seed was implanted in my brain.

Work begins and just as the first call of the day ends the carers (second visit) say they are concerned about E.  She's really limp, lethargic (more than normal), very pale and unresponsive. Instinct tells me that they were spot on and I needed to call the GP, District Nurses (E's catheter is blocked, but worse urine doesn't seem to be finding any exit) and the Community Matron. Spoke to the emergency line receptionist and a GP should be calling me back. As so often seems to be the case the CM rings me back instantly and says he can be here in less than 30 minutes.  

The CM arrives and checks E over, she does not have a particularly high temperature, but her sats are dipping in the 70% range which is definitely not good. A few checks later and an ambulance is on its way. Here we go again. No matter how many times we've been through this, my adrenalin and anxiety go through the roof.   The ambulance arrives really quickly with a paramedic too, whilst they're getting organised it's agreed that the CM will change the catheter (the removed one is very smelly, suggesting an infection).  As always is the case, E's O2 level increases to something reasonably normal in the presence of the ambulance crew, but nevertheless, all the tests suggest she should go to the hospital. 

The carers arrive and help pack E's meds and hoist her onto the stretcher. Off we go. Again.

I won't bore you with the details of the day spent in the hospital, but E's blood tests show a very high white cell marker count (the staff nurse said 15 was bad, E's was 27!) and eventually it was decided to admit her. Off to AMU we go.  Finally, after close to 8 hours I speak to the ward consultant and his view is that E could be in for a few days, after earlier in the afternoon thinking she might go home the same day! One thing's for certain, it was a damn good spot by the carers and an excellent call by the CM to phone for an ambulance. E's health hinges on such tiny details.

I get home after 8 p.m., feeling knackered and very hungry (an HCA kindly got me a cheese sarnie and a couple of drinks, otherwise...), the boys had ordered a takeaway as they knew I'd be late.  

At 8:30 p.m. I joined a Zoom call with old school friends, from across the world (well, the south of France and the UK).  It was great to catch up as I ate my fish and chips! Possibilities emerge 😀 

I broke off from the call to speak to Q before she fell asleep, sharing all the tedious details of the day (well, I'm sure it helps her to sleep!) but perhaps boring her with my struggles.

Back to the call, before reading some of the Idler and then heading off for the land of Nod. I should sleep well. (I hope)

I was going to write something about 'Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas' but instead some book porn... (images courtesy of The Folio Society)

The Fatima Mansions / 'Wilderness On Time' / 'Against Nature'

[[One of many favourite Cathal Coughlan compositions. I love his lyrics! I also should apologise in advance as I am almost certainly going to be indulging in a lot of CC over the next however long. ]]


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