Tales From The Crypt - Wednesday 18th May 2022

Another 30-minute walk to start the day, this time in a pair of newly acquired running shorts.  They want to run. I don't. No bears. Not to mention joints.

Work has dominated the day, however, the thing that has been on my mind all day has been the saga of my wife's feed delivery.  This has dragged on for what seems like an eternity but is probably only two weeks. (Only!!!)

I'm going to have to get this off my chest, but the only way I can document it is as a series of bullet points, lest I end up going on a rant. I won't start from the absolute beginning otherwise it will take forever. It goes like something like this...
  • The supplier contacts me to tell me E's feed is currently out of stock with the wholesaler but we're expecting it in stock tomorrow
  • Tomorrow comes, still not back in stock. How much feed have we got left? No problem, it'll be back in stock tomorrow. I ask what the problem is and will it be resolved soon. The person I ask has no idea. 
  • These above two steps become a loop for a few days. Finally, we break out of the loop as they don't think the feed will be back in stock in time.
  • I raise a concern that given this is E's only source of food/nutrition, things are starting to look difficult and I am getting worried. I suggest they contact the dietitian and ask her to suggest an alternative feed.
  • Next day. They have contacted the dietitian. An alternative feed is proposed.  A NEW prescription is raised, but it has to be authorised by a GP.  (Questions I ask: Why can't the dietitian authorise the prescription since the GP has no idea which feed is appropriate and is effectively just rubber-stamping it; Given you already have a prescription for the original feed which you can't supply, surely that will suffice, it's really only about payment as far as I can tell)
  • The feed supplier tries to phone the GP surgery. After 20 minutes of no reply, they give up (TELL ME ABOUT IT!!!) as they have other clients to serve.  They will ring back tomorrow. I ask what if the same thing happens again? Hmm. I am also told the original feed is out of stock owing to Brexit. It's on a lorry stuck somewhere and God knows when it'll get to the UK. FFS!!!!
  • Today they do get through to the surgery, but the prescription has inadvertently been sent to our local chemist, not the feed supplier. Without the prescription, they won't send the supplies, so tomorrow they'll call the pharmacy to work out who should supply the feed.  I am a little annoyed by this time. I remind the person (politely, I hasten to add. Not only that, but I do not lose my temper throughout the saga) that a) we have a couple of days feed left and b) it is E's only source of nutrition.  I ask what's plan B? Apparently, they will graciously send a few more bottles of feed if they can't get this resolved in time for a Friday delivery. I suggest that we don't want to be waiting for anything over the weekend.  They assure me they won't let E starve. I am so grateful.
Hopefully tomorrow this will all be resolved. Until next month. Maybe. Who knows?

Yesterday's work issue is still not resolved. Pig's bum. The working day is now over.

Son #2 heads off for a driving lesson and I get some other household stuff sorted as well as a long conversation with the feed supplier which results in the update in the final bullet above.

On his return, we make dinner and watch a WILTY before a Costa Rica photo show with his gf over a video link from CR. Some great photos and lovely shots of them together.  Plus sloths.

After that, the usual happens, which will lead inevitably to tomorrow.

Aoife Nessa Frances / 'Emptiness Follows' / (Single)



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