Tales From The Crypt - Thursday 26th May 2022

Walked again at the start of the day and combined it with another Q convo.

Back into the fray with access problems still unresolved. 

A series of calls with the hospital reveals that E will remain there overnight, as she is still receiving antibiotics via the IV drip.  The nurse who is looking after her seems to feel that E might be sent home tomorrow, but also says they've not yet had the results of her blood or urine tests back and so I'm wondering if this is more about giving me a message I want to hear, as opposed to the reality. Whichever of these it is, I will call them to find out tomorrow.

In the evening it was time to return to Drinks with the Idler, the last one until after half-term.  Tonight's guest is Martin Shaw, though not the actor from the Professionals, but rather the storyteller and author whose website is here.  Some of the most interesting aspects of the conversation did not concern myth but actually his time as a drummer in various punk bands, including War Dance.  Amusing tales!

Dinner and Doctor Who, followed by sleep after a chat with Q. Poetry in motion 😂

Cathal Coughlan / 'Black River Falls' / 'Black River Falls'



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