Tales From The Crypt - Monday 30th May 2022

Leaving the south coast and heading home with the expectation that E will be discharged from hospital today, at last.

Once I get home I'll have a lot of coordinating to do for upcoming events in June and July, so I'm probably not going to get much of a chance to read the papers or do much else.

An uneventful journey home and as soon as I arrive I start finding out what is going on with the hospital in terms of E's return home.  A can of worms!! E is medically fit to go home but seemingly there is a communications issue between the hospital and social services: the care agency is ready to restart care as soon as they get the relevant go-ahead from social services, but it's not arriving.  I chase all parties involved but it would be easier to push water uphill.

Evening arrives and it is clear E won't be coming home today though the nurse assures me she will be coming home tomorrow. I have much to do and get on with it.

Son #2 and I make dinner and sit down to watch 'Doctor Who' together before I retire for a chat with Q, reading and sleep.  Time to do it all again tomorrow with the added excitement of work too.

NEU! / 'Hero' / 'NEU! 75'

[[This is here because the intro is on the Killing Eve soundtrack and also because it is one of the best songs ever written. I love it! Play loud!]]


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