Tales From The Crypt - Thursday 5th May 2022

Usual weekday story I'm afraid, at least as far as the day is concerned. One day closer though, which is always a consolation.

After lunch, the plumber arrived to fix the outdoor central heating system drain valve that I broke last week. Initially, he thought it might require lifting the floorboards in my office, an idea not very popular with me. I suggested perhaps he could just cap the pipe as there are other alternative CH drain points. He agreed to try and, as luck would have it when he'd removed the mortar he was able to fully fix it and replace the valve.  I just need to replace the mortar/cement, a DIY job that is within my skill set!

In the evening it was the return of the Idler, or rather I returned to the Idler drinks as I missed last week's. Tonight's guest was Right To Roam campaigner, Nick Hayes.  He is such a good speaker and so knowledgeable about the history of land ownership (or should that be theft?) that it's always a pleasure to hear him talk. Afterwards, a great Idler chat with friends near and far.  Whilst I was enjoying myself, son #3 was making dinner and his timing was perfect.  Dinner was served just as the Idler after-party ended and we sat down and watched the next episode of 'Doctor Who'.

A slightly different end to the day, though normal service should resume next week.  The cycle begins again.

Melody's Echo Chamber / 'The Hypnotist' / 'Emotional Eternal'



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