Tales From The Crypt - Friday 26th August 2022

I've got a lot of work to do today, so this post will be brief!

Early morning the GP called to discuss E's care at home, but also to check up on me. She suggested I need to plan a break and make sure I'm taking care of myself. I am trying. She also sent me the numbers I need to call in the event the end happens as well as suggested I ought to start planning what will need to be done when that happens. She said that doing the planning now is a good idea because when it does happen, life will be chaotic. 

Back to work.

Expect the unexpected!  Just before lunch, the phone rang again and this time it was the Sue Ryder Community Clinical Nurse Specialist in Palliative Care (CNS). That's her full title, but I'll not write that again. Probably just stick to PC Nurse. Back on track. She was calling to arrange a visit this afternoon to see E and me. Arranged for later in the afternoon.

A brief interlude for lunch, then back to work.

Mid-afternoon the PC nurse arrived. She met E and tried to interact with her, with little or no result. Maybe an attempt to open her eyes, but no more.  We adjourned to the living room and sat down and discussed the history leading to now, the various parties involved, and so on.  Most importantly I now have her contact details and understand how she fits into the picture.  She also answered one question I still had. So now I know.

At times it is really difficult working with all the interruptions I get each day.  It makes life stressful, not least because after the nurse leaves (an hour or so after arriving) I've lost the will and impetus to work. I'm tired, it's getting towards the end of the day and I have a lot to think about.

More importantly, E remains stable though seemingly more tired and sleeping more deeply than before. The only certainty is uncertainty.

After work, around 6, I decided to start preparing the side door for painting tomorrow: mostly sanding the wood down and putting masking tape around the window panes. 

Once that's done it's time to start dinner.  I eat while watching more of the documentary 'The Rise Of The Synths', which covers a musical sub-genre I'm not really familiar with (Synthwave), at least not in its current form.

Luckily across the day, I manage a few calls with Q across the miles.

(Not quite as brief as I expected!)

The Comet Is Coming / 'CODE' / 'Hyper-Dimensional Expansion Beam' (Forthcoming)



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