Tales From The Crypt - Wednesday 10th August 2022

It's been a while since I've written something like this, but this post is liable to be a shorter one owing to today being a working day.

Up early in order to walk before it gets too hot.  Not only that, but I need to get set up for work (obvs!) and get my head into work mode (tricky?)

Radio silence...

The working day is over and it went well, apart from the return of eye ache. One thing it has brought to my attention is how much difference having a structure to the day makes.  The necessity of finding time to do certain things, like walking and meditating has meant that I've done both of these things despite having 'less time'. As a nascent Idler, I don't want my life to be driven by somebody else's view of productivity/value and certainly don't want to worship at the altar of all those time management gurus, as I once did. However, from a work perspective, I do have to get things done (GTD!!!), and so I am thinking more about how I might apply structure to my life should I ever be in the position to retire from the job I currently do. One to muse upon. Idly.

Usual sort of evening with the added ecstasy of putting the rubbish out. It's not all work!

808 State / 'Plan 9' / 'Gorgeous'

[[Heard this on the radio and had forgotten how good it is.  'Gorgeous' is not my favourite 808 State album as they seem to have become more glossy and less dance-y. I guess there's a definite hint of Prog, which isn't a bad thing in itself, but I guess not exactly what I'd listen to the band for.  I think I should revisit 'Gorgeous' (!!!) as maybe I'd have a different view on it now?]]


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