Tales From The Crypt - Thursday 25th August 2022

Unusually, (at least recently), when I get up it's raining and it doesn't look like it's going to stop.

Quick change of plan: instead of walking this morning and going shopping tomorrow morning, I'll swap these and shop today.

Before going shopping I have a quick call with Q as she's chilling at 'home'. Off out to get soaked!

I'm back very quickly as I've a work call at 9 and still need to have my breakfast.  Whilst I was out our cleaner cleaned my office, so I can finish getting set up and eat in relative calm and tidiness.

Once I start work there's no stopping, until the phone rings at around midday.  It's the community matron with an update from the Sue Ryder consultant.

Now I know the plan. Or most of it. If E shows signs of getting an infection, we won't treat it, we have to call out whoever (depends on the time of day) and they will start administering the PC medication. We will also stop giving feed through the PEG.  After thinking about this plan in a little more detail I have at least one more question. I'm pleased we now have a plan, as it helps settle my mind, but the ramifications...well, more to think on.

Made dinner with son #3 and three out of four of us sat down to watch the last episode of series one of 'Outlaws'. Son #1 doesn't see the end of it as he's off out to pick up his gf from the station.

After the usual tidying ritual (or at least as much as I can do - I'm limited by the fact that others haven't finished their tasks!) I start getting organised for bed.  

As I was doing the final things before going up, I was passing E having already said goodnight, and for a moment it looked as if she was starting to have a seizure and suddenly it all became very real for a moment. In this instant, I realised that though it's easy to talk rationally about this thing and that thing we'll do as part of an agreed process, the actuality of it happening before your eyes will be very different.  Despite all the preparation, acceptance of the inevitable, blah blah blah, when it happens it's going to be a very different experience.

To bed in search of sleep.

Queens Of The Stone Age / 'Go With The Flow' / 'Songs For The Deaf'



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