Tales From The Crypt - Monday 22nd August 2022

Last day of my weekend and lots of small-ish tasks to get done, the most important of which is posting cards to my father-in-law for his birthday this week.

Aside from that, not much is going on today, at least not much out of the ordinary.  

I'm slowly getting used to the multiple interruptions of the carers arriving throughout the day, again. Don't get me wrong, they are all wonderful and I like them a lot, and, more importantly, they do a wonderful job of caring for E, but it is incredibly disruptive.  As E can't speak, if anything arises, I always have to be available, plus her meds have changed a lot since before going into hospital and the non-regulars (the irregulars?) need to double-check with me.

After lunch, I completed the last few chores (chopping up the box the new printer arrived in, putting everything back in the garage that was displaced by my painting, and washing down the side door ready for sanding down when I get a chance) which allowed me to sit down and read the papers in peace and with a clear conscience.

Across the day I had a few messaging convos with several friends including the good news that the ones in Berlin are going to visit the UK in September for the first time since C-19.  Having a network of good friends is priceless.

A quiet evening with son #2 making dinner and me assisting, followed by son #1 and watching 'The Undeclared War' as son #3 is organising some stuff and getting stressed out by it.

TVAM / 'Double Lucifer / 'High Art Lite' (Forthcoming)

[[Today's choice was either going to be the Yeah Yeah Yeahs or TVAM...]]


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