Tales From The Crypt - Tuesday 23rd August 2022

Started the day with a chat with Q who's driving to Wellington Point as we speak.  This convo resumes as I head out for my walk. Some people can't half talk!  

Breakfast then getting down to work, my day starting with a full-on technical meeting at 9.

The community matron visits, as planned, and we discuss medication, E's care plan and then he gets on with changing her catheter and replacing the water in the PEG balloon. One of the key questions we both have will be referred by the CM to the Sue Ryder palliative care in the community nursing team. A big decision that I cannot and should not own.

Before lunch, a good friend visits E and me for a catch-up. It was brief but good to talk.  There's much more to talk about next time.

Making lunch next followed by the final catch-up with Q of her day (but not mine, hopefully). Tomorrow Q flies from Brisbane to Sydney whilst I am snoring away. (If you snore when no one is there, have you really snored?) Once she gets to Sydney she'll be driving north to Newcastle, so a fairly busy day for her.

More meetings and more design thinking, so my brain is overheating.

An email update from the CM lets me know that E's care will be discussed at tomorrow's palliative care in the community MDT meeting, so I guess I should get a call tomorrow or the next day, all being well.  I also now have an updated set of contact numbers for E's room, only missing the Sue Ryder number. It's now on the wall. (Unlike Michael Jackson) 

After work this evening I'm due to attend an online lecture titled 'The Dark Side of the Age of Aquarius', given by Gary Lachman. (Gary, under the name Gary Valentine, was an early member of Blondie. He wrote '(I'm Always Touched by Your) Presence, Dear', trivia fans!) (See here, for details of the talk, if you're interested.)

It was a thought-provoking webinar, though in ninety minutes Gary was only able to scratch the surface of the topic. There were some interesting strands that started the 1960s revival of interest in the occult that I was unaware of ('The Morning Of The Magicians' for example), as well as odd linkages such as that L. Ron Hubbard had once been a member of the OTO and the Process Church of the Final Judgment whose followers included Paul McCartney and Marianne Faithfull. Fascinating stuff. More reading and research are required when I have time 😅😅😅

The usual sequence of events leads to sleep, except that in my call with Q tomorrow today (and vv.), she's just got up and is getting ready to drive to the airport and fly to Sydney.  Safe trip!

Linda Perhacs / 'Hey, Who Really Cares' / 'Parallelograms'

[[I won't relate the history of this album, as I think it's fairly well-known, and if you want to know I'm sure you can find it on the 'net.  It's a bit of an oddity for me as, though it's considered an early work in the psychedelic folk genre, it's a bit light on the psychedelic for me. Nevertheless, this song does fit the bill. It showcases her voice and is beautifully haunting, musically, lyrically and in the emotion her voice carries. 

The eagle-eyed will notice this is not an officially sanctioned video, primarily because the official album videos are for subscribers only.  I don't generally select 'unofficial' videos, but this song is too good to miss.]]


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