Tales From The Crypt - Saturday 20th August 2022

My plan for today is pretty full-on, so less time than usual for thinking and writing and probably no time for reading the papers, at least not until bedtime.

Shopping and washing, natch. After all, what is a Saturday without washing and food shopping? Heaven. I'm skipping heaven for this week and upping the ante with DIY product shopping as well as food. Have I lost my mind? Quite possibly. More on the latter later, alligator.

Apart from the purgatorial chores I also fixed the shredder, again.  I am getting quite good at this. Perhaps this is a new business opportunity? I think I'd call the business 'Shredding Pounds', or 'Better Shred Than Dead', or maybe 'Inshredible'. Hey! It's a work in progress.

After such an exciting morning, after lunch, I stopped by a dear friend's house to drop off a birthday present and card. Almost succeeded, apart from the fact that I left the card behind.  Silly me. It's such a funny card (IMO) I will have to post it.  I stayed for a coffee and a chat. Tough times. I am sending healing thoughts. Wish there was something I could do.

Returned, I brought the now-dry washing in and reluctantly got ready to begin the DIY jobs I have tasked myself with. My plan is to paint all the remaining outdoor woodwork around the front door and garage door and also the up and over garage door itself. The paint on some of the woodwork is a little weather-worn so the preparation will need to be thorough and involves some minor filling. My goal for today is to prep all the woodwork and then prime/undercoat all of the wood so I can gloss it tomorrow. Then there's the side door to the garage, though that will have to wait until next weekend, probably. Unless I get a rush of blood to the head.

Me and DIY: A long-running love-hate relationship. I am OK with some DIY things. Painting for one. I don't enjoy it though.  It's a bit boring. No, scratch that. It's extremely boring. It's like watching paint dry. For various wider life and state of mind reasons, though the current jobs I've undertaken have needed doing for a long time, I haven't had the will, desire or even been able to see the point in doing anything that looks beyond the immediate future, i.e. today and tomorrow, pretty much. That is changing, or rather it's changed, thanks in large part to the advent of Q.  I do have a future beyond the ever-present and almost all-consuming circumstance we find ourselves in. It doesn't change or absolve me from those current responsibilities, 'til death etc, nor would I want it to, however, it does mean there is an overlap between the past and the future, a future which is opening up before me. 

(So much for nothing to say)

Paint dries. After a shower (I'm very dusty, and, after all, if you haven't got paint somewhere about your person, have you really been painting?) I start making our dinner.

Son #1 and I decide to watch a film and after a bit of searching settle upon, 'Point Break', which stars Keanu Reeves, Gary Busey (oops!) and Patrick Swayze. Somehow, I've never seen the film though it was good. It's an unlikely tale about surfing and bank robbery, but fun (shame about the soundtrack). I like the anti-capitalist undertone and also the gang's choice of masks and the message they come with. Coolio.  Allegedly the final scenes took place in Australia (Bells Beach, Victoria, supposedly), but were actually filmed in the USA.

Late night call with Q that began tomorrow morning and ended tomorrow here too.

Beth Orton / 'Someone's Daughter' / 'Trailer Park'



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