Tales From The Crypt - Sunday 21st August 2022

Today I'm planning a day of two halves, some chores carried out at a leisurely pace this morning, followed by an impersonation of Michelangelo in the afternoon (yep! I have a ceiling to paint).

I've got to go and buy some more DIY shizz (filler for starters, if you're asking) once I've eaten my breakfast, with a plan to do the gloss painting after lunch and maybe, time permitting, to do the garage door as well.

Perhaps today's post will be the shorter, 'not-much-to-say', one that I threatened to write yesterday?

After lunch, it was time to get stuck into the painting. A bit of upfront planning meant that I was able to gloss all the woodwork as well as prepare, undercoat and gloss the garage door.  

Painting is over.  Cleared up mostly now and, as required, I have paint on me. The stripper should sort that out. I'm pleased with the outcome as it only leaves me with the side garage door to do, which can wait until next weekend.  I'll probably clean the door and sand it down before the weekend so that I can get on with the painting.  Living the dream. 

Enough of that excitement, what's next?

Son #3 made dinner with a bit of help from me, and then three of us (excluding son #2) watched another episode of 'Outlaws' before I  headed for bed.

Usual end to my day...

Danger Mouse & Black Thought / 'Aquamarine' (feat. Michael Kiwanuka) / 'Cheat Codes'



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