Tales From The Crypt - Friday 5th August 2022

In contrast to yesterday, today looks like being full-on..."Welcome Back, My Friends, to the Show That Never Ends"

About to drive to the garage to get my car serviced.  Whilst getting ready for this expensive ordeal, I missed a couple of calls from a social worker, mainly because she called on my work mobile number.  I returned the call but was only able to leave a message.

Off we go.

While my car is being serviced I arrange to talk to someone about replacing my car. This year the discussion is more complex as I want to go electric (plug me in) if I can afford to and this will probably be the last car I will own. 

My head is now so full of information that I think I will need a lie down later.  As if! Apart from all the challenges of going electric (and the lead time), there are a huge number of financial considerations.

Later in the afternoon, I had a chat with E's doctor.  Overall, there's been no change with E, except that the consultant thinks she may be developing a chest infection.  No clear medical indications, but they are keeping her under observation.  Depending on how things go over the weekend they will start or stop the discharge process.

We are entering the hold at Ockham at flight level 100.

Later still, the social worker called me back and we had a long discussion about E and the possible discharge process.  She's spoken to a nurse on the ward and is also aware of what the doctor has told me.  Despite me thinking I have all that is going on settled in my mind, the conversation was unexpectedly upsetting. After a lot of discussion about nursing homes etc, she proposes that we talk again on Tuesday, once we know the outcome of the weekend.  It is disturbing to talk about the death of someone you love so casually. Freaks me out. Still. 

The Shamen / 'Ebeneezer Goode' / (Single)

[[Love this song and am still amazed the BBC censors allowed it to be played.  I guess you could spin it either way if you had a mind to. 

It goes without saying that my choice of song is not an endorsement of the sentiment that could be inferred!


Mobile phones the size of bricks!

Jerry Sadowitz (Stand-up comedian and magician) plays Ebeneezer in the video ]]


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