Tales From The Crypt - Sunday 28th August 2022

A slow start to today, for a change.  Began with a call to Q as she drove to Sydney airport through the tunnels under the city. She's flying from Sydney back to Perth today, which takes almost five hours (it's over 2000 miles) and will spend the rest of her holiday thereabouts.  The good thing is that Perth is only 7 hours ahead as opposed to 9 hours ahead in Sydney.

Yesterday evening I got an invitation from friends to go to the Wokingham Festival on Monday, at which Focus are the headliners. Times are strange at the moment, nevertheless, I've gladly accepted such a kind offer.  Our GP has told me I need to get out and look after myself during this period and so I'm making an effort to do so.  There's also a Robyn Hitchcock gig coming up in September and I've booked a ticket for that (it's midweek, so it shouldn't affect any other plans I may have), subject to the current uncertainties.

The plan for today is to take it relatively easy, subject to some things I need to get done (including the 'W' word), most notably sorting things out after yesterday's painting madness. 

Naturally, I watched Q's plane fly across the USA (stalking is how she jokingly describes it), which satisfies my aeronautical interests as well as increasing my knowledge of the geography of Australia.

I spent a while researching the history of this blog, mainly as I'd passed the 1000-posts mark.

As with most jobs, tidying up the painted garage area became a bigger job.  I decided to have a mini-reorganisation of the access via the side/back door so that it's now possible to get into the garage that way as well.  The bushes by the side path have also grown like mad, so it was time to fire up the hedge trimmer. I think I've become a man possessed!

Finally, I found time to read some of the papers, though I'm way behind.

At around 6 in the evening, I had a final chat with Q who's now in bed in her mum's house in Perth, tired after a very long day (the flight was delayed too).

For a change of pace, I settled down to listen to the recent album by Warpaint ('Radiate Like This') before making dinner with son #2. It's really rather good, with more emotional heft than previously.  Only another 500 albums to go 😎

It turns out the boys are going out tonight, son #3 first and then the other two, plus son #1's gf are leaving much later, around 10 p.m.  We watch the end of 'Rise of The Synths' and then the beginning of a documentary about Tangerine Dream, which includes some amazing old footage, including some from when Edgar Froese and friends stayed with Salvador Dali. Incredible stuff!

Time for bed!

The Jam / 'Monday' / 'Sound Affects'



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