Tales From The Crypt - Sunday 14th August 2022

Slept OK last night, but not that well, despite being very tired. The heat may have played a part. 

While I was sleeping, or trying to, Q began the second leg of her journey - the eleven-hour flight from Doha to Perth.  Sadly the plane departed a few hours late, meaning a longer layover in Doha.

When I awoke the plane was over the Indian Ocean, heading for Perth at 33,000 feet and due to arrive at around 12:30 p.m. UK time (about 7:30 p.m. Perth time).

Today is going to be a washing day, maybe the last chance to get things dry easily, with the chance to catch up with Q late afternoon before she goes to sleep. The time zone differences are pain (wait till she visits friends and family on the east coast!!) but we'll find a way. She's away for a month, which seems like a lifetime at this point. (Overly dramatic again!)

Over lunch, I watched the last 40 minutes of 'Dune', then finished reading the weekend papers.

Later we'll be going to visit E in hospital, once sons 1 and 2 emerge.

After Q had showered and eaten with her family, we had a chat. She sounded tired and after our updates, we said goodnight. Here beginneth a new, temporary and short-lasting, phase of life.

As planned, sons 1 and 2 accompanied me to the hospital to visit E. Health-wise, she seems not far off from how she was before the infection, apart from the dry skin on her face.  Only her carers have the time to do the personal care she really needs. There is much complexity around what's best for E and all of us, but with a little more information from her consultant and the care agency, a new plan is emerging.  Nothing is simple, but perhaps the respite I've been having may be coming to an end. 

Son #3 and I cooked dinner and sons 1, 2 and I watched another episode of 'The Undeclared War'.

Off to bed to read, listen to the radio and either sleep or liquify or maybe both.

Jealous of the Birds / 'Ode To Fire' / (Single)

[[This has been allocated owing to lack of proximity.

N.B. Regular listeners may notice that this song has appeared here before (in March 2020, when the blog was titled 'Lockdown Diary').  I still like it. A lot. This time, however, it is chosen for a different reason. 😜]]


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