Tales From The Crypt - Saturday 27th August 2022

Another lousy night's sleep, so I figure I might as well get up in time for the first carer call of the day.  Got lots to do today anyway.

Before going shopping I put the washing on and so the 'getting things done' begins...

During my shopping trip, I decided to check out the barbers, in case there wasn't a queue. The cut isn't urgent and I don't have time to sit and wait. Luckily, I'm next.  A young woman cuts my hair, which adds to the pleasure of the process. It turns out she's Polish, amongst many other things I learn during the brief time it takes to apply a grade one all over what hair there is.  Generally, I'm quite good at chatting during a haircut, but today I could barely get a word in. She spoke non-stop. It made me smile as it's rare for me not to get a word in. She did a good job (it's not difficult!) and it made a good start to the day.

Whilst publishing yesterday's post I notice that I'd passed the 1000 post milestone on Wednesday. That set me thinking about when this began. After a lot of effort (blogger doesn't make it very easy to find the first post - one for the developers), I found the first post I wrote, titled 'Experiment' and was posted on the 8th January 2011, over eleven years ago! This is a link to it!

When I first started this blog it was entirely about music, especially gig reviews.  Initially, the posts were sporadic, to say the least. I suspect the majority of posts have been since the start of the pandemic (when the blog morphed into 'Lockdown Diary'), though most of the gigs I've attended have been covered in detail. 

In October 2018 the nature of the blog changed fairly dramatically. As part of a dramatic shift in my life after a difficult 6 months, the blog transformed into some form of 'confessional' to help me try and make sense of things.  The first of these was posted on the 6th of October.

After that things got personal and more frequent until the posts were almost daily, as now.

Back to today...

I'm not going to go into detail about everything, but suffice it to say I did a couple of wash loads (saved some for tomorrow, natch!} and removed the side gate latch ahead of a plan to replace it later.

Around the middle of the day, Q and I had a call.  She was going to sleep soon whilst I'm about to make lunch.  Tomorrow she flies from Sydney to Perth, after a few more family and friend meetups.

After lunch, the painting begins (side garage door and surrounds (undercoat/primer and gloss), porch ceiling and garage door missed bits (gloss)), once I've replaced the side-gate latch, and then occupies the next few hours.

It's done!  I just need to clean the paint off me and then I can chill a bit.

Curry for dinner while watching the film 'Snatch'. We've all seen it before, except for son #1's gf. Son #1 made the obvious joke about the title of the film. You wouldn't catch me doing that!

Time for bed, I think.  Read the papers. Listen to BBC6 music. Enter the land of nod.

Destroyer / 'Kaputt' / 'Kaputt'

[[In honour of my first post in 2011, I've chosen a song from one of the best albums of that year. ]]


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