Tales From The Crypt - Tuesday 2nd August 2022

Up early again, on this occasion to allow Q to bake son #3 a birthday cake. He has requested a lemon, lime and poppy seed drizzle cake and that's what is underway. Luckily for son #3, my role is as a facilitator and nothing more.  Q is making two cakes so we can take one in to share his birthday with E in hospital.

Most importantly today is son #3's birthday and we are all celebrating it with him.

After present opening session number one, all six of us headed into town for a meal at a Latin American restaurant.  The food was great and after a three-course lunch (some of us at least), we headed home.

Plans for the afternoon are to head to the hospital to celebrate with E and then return home with some party food for an evening of games.

Only the boys and I went to hospital: Q has been working today and son #3's gf was tired and decided to stay at home.

When we got there, E was looking very comfortable if a little more distant than usual.  It doesn't look like she's going anywhere any time soon.

We sang Happy Birthday to son #3 before showing mum the cake.  No one was able to eat any, as lunch was still being processed.

I'm going back tomorrow for a meeting with the senior care team after a call I had from the hospital on Monday.  This has been much on my mind and I have foolishly been trying to second guess what they're going to say and generally imagining worst-case scenarios (a very complex subject).  Q has been helping me keep this out of my mind until I'm there and having the conversation. Strange how living in the moment is so difficult, at times.

Home via the shops with party food!

We all ate some food followed by the traditional birthday cake candles and singing, after which we sat together and played 'Shame of Life'.  There were some very strange discussions, especially around the most '****able' villain from fiction/movies.  Some kind of sanity prevailed and 'Harley Quinn' was deemed the winner.

Time for bed...

Poppy Ajudha / 'Holiday From Reality' / 'THE POWER IN US'



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