Tales From The Crypt - Saturday 6th August 2022

A panoply of exciting activities to begin my day: laundry; food shopping; washing up; cleaning the kitchen.  When will the excitement end?

The highlight of my shopping trip was a chat with the bread girls about their children and a general life catch-up.

I narrowly escaped catastrophe (biohazard) in the coffee shop when I queried the milk they'd used to make my coffee. Turns out they had made it with milk originating from one or more cows when I had requested it be made with milk from the nuts of a coco. I wasn't clowning around. The saga wasn't to end there, however.

When I arrived home son #3 helped me unpack and put stuff away. Unusually,  I placed my as-yet untouched coffee near where we stack the bread and pastries bought from the bread girls. You know what's coming next I'm sure.  If you imagined my coffee was knocked over, the contents of the cup unleashed in a tsunami of caffeine and coconut, you would be correct. Owing to the lie of the land, the tidal wave engulfed the ninja (poor fella), and various water receptacles rather than soak the bread and pastries.  Someone somewhere did not want me to drink that coffee.  The incidents reminded of the episode of the Prisoner TV series called "The Girl Who Was Death" when no 6 drinks a pint of beer only to find the sign below at the bottom of the glass...

After the attempted murder/averted natural disaster (take your pick) the day settled back into normality.  Too "normal" to describe in further detail.

Later in the after sons 2, 3 and I headed back to the hospital.  E was asleep when we arrived but looking comfortable.  She opened her eyes off and on and we talked to her and hugged her.  She didn't cough while we were there, though that's not to say she's not brewing an infection. It's all a mystery to me.

Shalamar / 'There It Is' / 'Friends'

[[ Heard this on the radio earlier today and I was transported back to my eighties clubbing days.  My fate was sealed.

I still have a soft spot for a lot of dance music. Old and new. Shalamar had a string of instantly recognisable hits in the early 1980s, with videos featuring the body-popping skills of dancer Jeffrey Daniel]]


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