Tales From The Crypt - Friday 30th July 2021

Another hectic start, made doubly so by the need to pick up a prescription for E (and for me) as well as some replacement contact lenses before work. I'd already walked, partially in rain, before that.

Got home, carers were here and got stuck in to preparing for the two presentations I'm doing this morning. After yesterday's mid-year review I find myself with a bunch of extra things to do.

First presentation is over and it went well, considering I didn't know I was doing it until yesterday evening - I got several positive comments from fellow architects in my team, which was cool.

Getting myself organised to submit my application for the architect certification board - applying for recognition as a level 2 architect. 

Really busy day comes to an end and my plan is to sit and listen to music, however no sooner was Bicep cued and cranked up, but the phone rings and it's my big sister.  I have a lot to tell her about and she has a fair bit to tell me - she wants to know about the first of my counselling sessions and all the activities since last we spoke and, for a change, there are a few.

Dinner tonight is huevos rancheros which allegedly takes 10 minutes to prepare and 15 to cook.  Son #3 and I made it together and it took best part of an hour: I don't know where they get their prep time figures from, but it took us way more than 10 minutes. It's one of those dishes where you need all the ingredients to be prepped before you start, otherwise you'll be eating it cold.  We sat down and ate it while watching 'The Haunting of Bly Manor', and it was very enjoyable but it is a pain in the arse to make.  One thing I have decided: we need 4 of those round things you cook fried eggs in, so we can do four at once and serve at the same time.  That's exciting isn't it?

The end

Talk Talk / 'I Believe In You' / 'Spirit of Eden'



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