Tales From The Crypt - Tuesday 20th July 2021

As mentioned yesterday, my plans for today were changed by son #3 so I'll have to find a way to make the most of the rest of the day.  There is always lots to do, and, as I have so many interests it's primarily about motivation / state of mind.

I went for my usual walk a fair bit later than normal, but it meant I encountered different people and new pleasant sights.  Later than normal due to meteorologically disturbed sleep.

Finished listening to the latest 'Freak Zone' which featured tracks from an intriguing Alice Coltrane album as the centre-piece of the two-hour show.

Wrote a letter to a friend and, by luck or judgement, found time to post it just before the lunchtime carers arrived, hopefully...

No sooner had I returned from the post office, the lunchtime carers were here and E was hoisted out of bed into her chair, which was the cue for the carers to change all the bedding and provide me with another task: washing, which needed to be done there and then. Why's that? It's because E's bedding includes a special system whereby there are brackets placed under a special 'sheet' (it's more than a sheet, but that'll do) that keep her body reasonably straight in the bed and we have only two of these - one in use and one spare.  The spare needs to be clean in case it has to be changed at short notice.

Washing is on and time to make lunch with son #2 before heading off to pick up son #3 and the remainder of his stuff from his uni flat. He moved most of his stuff out in December and has only been living there sporadically with his gf, but this was the final day.

Bloody hell! That was hot work! Son #3 and his stuff are home and we just have to find a home for all his kitchen stuff and bedding.  We really do need to have a clear out of the garage - I reckon about 20 tip runs should do it!

Change of pace:  I decide to watch the final lesson in the online history of London course I've been doing, with this one focusing on the blitz and the 1950s just about leading to the early 1960s. All fascinating stuff and I close by doing the end of course quiz, which I get a 'merit' in and also my jolly diploma for completing the course.

Time to decide what course to do next?  After a few passes through the full list, I settle on the course I probably already knew I would do next, namely, 'How To Write' with John-Paul Flintoff. 

I've done the first lesson and this looks like it's going to be a bit harder work than most courses I've done so far: I've had to write three things by the end of the first lesson including a piece on why I've chosen to do the course, but in EXACTLY 49 words. I've done it after a few tweaks and in the next lesson we find out why it had to be exactly 49 words long.

E's washing is all dry - no surprises there - and it's time to start making dinner with son #3.  Grilling burgers is not the best of fun in this heat but hopefully the end result will be worth it.

Eating while watching another episode of 'Spooks'. What else?

Time to go bed not to sleep but to wrestle mentally and physically with tiredness and the need for sleep.

Doll By Doll / 'A Bright Green Field' / 'Doll By Doll'

[[Doll By Doll made several excellent, but sadly neglected albums back in the 1980s, or thereabouts, and feature the wonderful voice and song writing talent of Scottish musician, Jackie Leven, sadly now deceased.  I was reminded of them by something I read earlier about a tribute album being put together to try and increase awareness of this great songwriter]]



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