Tales From The Crypt - Sunday 18th July 2021

What to say about Sunday?  The weather is absolutely marvellous: did all the usual things, except that I left walking until the evening.

In the event, son #1 joined me on the walk and I used it as an opportunity to try out my new walking shoes. They are noticeably heavier than trainers and also more rugged both in terms of the sole and the uppers - probably not the ideal thing for such a hot walk (we started a little after 6:30 p.m.) and the usual walk took 3 or 4 minutes longer - dunno if that was the heat or the shoes (or the flies!)  Next time I go for a proper walk locally these shoes will be the thing. 

At some unspecified point during the day - I think it was over lunch and beyond - I watched the rest of the David Bowie documentary 'The Last Five Years', which was a damn fine programme with excellent guests.  It has reminded me I really need to give his penultimate album, 'The Next Day', another listen.  Obviously 'Where Are We Now?' is one of his best songs, bar none, and the Berlin scenes in the video remind me of my time in Berlin and the handcrafted Bowie tour my mate and I put together. (Well, in the interest of accuracy, he put it together as a Berlin resident - I wouldn't have had a clue how to begin, though I had researched the places to go)

One of my objectives for today was to plan how I'm going to spend the next week, but somehow I never got around to it.  I am bouncing along the bottom a bit.  Tomorrow I'll be doing yoga in the morning which should given me plenty of time to plan in the afternoon.

I had intended to listen to music - I have so much I've not had time (and often the motivation) to listen  to - but as so often happens the will to listen had deserted me.

Dinner / TV / Sleep

Charlotte Gainsbourg / 'Les Oxalis' / 'Rest'



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