Tales From The Crypt - Friday 23rd July 2021

I've got a busy morning ahead of me, so after chatting with the first carer of the day I got ready to set off for my morning walk.

As soon as I got back I had to make and eat breakfast promptly as I'm due at the local Baptist church at 9:15.  Why am I going to church? It's not a religious thing rather that I have volunteered to help a local charity that delivers lunches to children during the school holidays.  Don't know what I'll be doing exactly or when I'll be finished, but that's the fun of it.

Phew!  It's getting on for 2 p.m. and I'm back.  That was quite a morning.  My initial task was to wrap about 130 individual cake slices.  I had a brief interruption to this around 10:00 because this was when tickets went on sale to see Nick Cave & Warren Ellis on their UK tour. I'd asked sons 1 and 2 to do the booking so I was just checking they were OK and had succeeded, which they had! Cake packing was followed by a variety of tasks culminating in packing the lunches in to bags.   All the lunches packed, a friend and I set off in her car to deliver the lunches on one of the rounds.  Delivering the lunches to families was heart-warming: several times kids saw you approaching with the bags and they'd cry 'lunch bunch', as if it was Christmas.  I will return and do it again when I get the chance.

The rest of the day was a bit of an anti-climax. I received the voucher for my flying lessons and the day wound its way inexorably towards bed and sleep.   

Melody's Echo Chamber / 'Crystallized' / 'Melody's Echo Chamber'



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