Tales From The Crypt - Friday 9th July 2021

It may be Friday and I may not be working, but I have a lot to do today and it starts early with a trip to the shops to collect son #1's prescription and also to buy the meat part of tonight's dinner, assuming it's in stock (it wasn't when the shopping order came on Wednesday!)

Back from the shops after a successful outing: got everything I was after and posted a birthday card to my brother-in-law.

I've arranged a call with my mate in Berlin in the afternoon, but before that I must tackle the magazine mountain in my bedroom and office. 

The magazines are primarily music related but also include 'Private Eye' and the odd other one.  There's a process to be gone through, which I'll not bore you with, but I also came to a couple of decisions: I'm cancelling my subscription to 'Electronic Sound'; I'm going to stop buying music magazines other than the one I subscribe to. At the end of the process I have a huge pile of magazines for recycling and will now only subscribe to 'Uncut', 'Private Eye', 'The Idler', 'Mu' and 'The James Joyce Broadsheet'. Hopefully this results in a manageable amount of reading (on top of the books etc!)  My decision was slightly poorly timed as I bought two music magazines whilst I was shopping!

Had a long chat with my mate in Berlin and was glad to find out that he and his wife are also double-vaccinated now.

My father-in-law also called for a slightly distressed / distressing call, which has ramifications that will echo for the next few days...

For a change I went for my brisk walk in the evening before the final carer call of the day, just because I could.

Early evening I'm taking son #3 and his gf to the station, returning home to a bottle of red and the prospect of making a Moroccan dish for dinner with him. Annoyingly (?) the dish required the use of our food processor, which I don't think has been used since E was last able to cook, so seven or eight years ago.  Two minor irritations result: it needs to be cleaned BEFORE use and it significantly adds to the washing-up after use.

Dinner was a great success - loads of ingredients, but relatively simple to make - and we watched it while watching another episode of 'Spooks', probably the last for a few days.

To sleep, perchance...

HENGE / 'Exo' / 'ExoKosm'



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