Tales From The Crypt - Thursday 1st July 2021

Unusually the first carer arrived before the cleaner, primarily because there was a change of carer, but also because the bus was late, consequently the cleaner was too.

Walked while the cleaner did my office, then returned to start work.  A brief interlude around nine when I went to the post office to send the revised version of the compilation CD. Mea culpa.

Work until just before 6 p.m. when it became time for the Idler drinks with tonight's guest speaker being Hannah Dawson who will be speaking about feminism.

Wow! Hannah Dawson is a great speaker!  She must be an amazing lecturer, with energy, passion and the ability to reflect on and answer questions in a flexible and considered manner.  Great discussion on feminism followed by a great post-drinks conversation with other Idler members.  I didn't want it to end, but had dinner to make.

I'm not sure how this arose in my brain, but some thoughts on what people write in their dating profiles for no particular reason...

'Love to laugh (a lot)':  This one always floors me.  Are there people who don't like to laugh (hernia and other pre-operative considerations aside)? Is the assumption that if you don't include it in your profile you don't like to laugh? It seems to me it's slightly less redundant than saying 'likes to breathe', but not much. [Mind you, based on some profile photos there are people who don't seem to smile, so maybe they don't like to laugh either? Discuss]

'Live. Laugh. Love': One of the most common profile clichés. It's another one of those phrases that is stating something so bleeding obvious, it's not worth stating. Let's take it apart. 'Live': As opposed to what? Apart from at its most fundamental level, where it's in opposition to dying, presumably in the sense of killing yourself, what does it mean? One person's 'live' might mean getting up, watching TV all day, eating then going to bed and doing it all over again, but that certainly won't be someone else's definition, so if this is what you are talking about you might as well state what you actually enjoy doing so there's no room for doubt.  [If it IS stated in opposition to killing yourself, then presumably someone in the latter position isn't actually on a dating app, unless they are hoping to go out with a 'bang' - in which case there are more appropriate sites, AFAIK ;-)]

'Laugh': See 'Love to laugh' above.

'Love': You're on a dating app, so surely this is what the majority of people are after (I know there are exceptions, people just looking for friends, or indeed clients, etc, but they are the minority of people), so this pretty much doesn't need stating.

If you live your life by this motto, maybe you need to rethink what you're actually trying to say, otherwise just say 'Breathe. Eat. Drink. Sleep'.  

'Partner in crime':  Another dreadful cliché. You really aren't looking for a partner in crime are you?  What crime are you planning to commit, once you've found the right person.  I'm sure there are better, less public, ways of finding a partner to execute whatever crime it is you have in mind, without advertising the fact.

Son #2 and I made dinner - a vegetarian gnocchi, mushroom and blue cheese dish, before we (son #1 and his gf, son#2 and I - son #3 is at his uni flat with his gf) sat down to watch a HIGNFY. Still in catch-up mode, but no worries! Still funny after the event(s).

After that bed, sleep and oblivion.

Dungen / 'Andarnas Krig' / 'Häxan'



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