Tales From The Crypt - Sunday 25th July 2021

A little bit of a hangover this morning, I guess it may have something to do with the alcohol I drank yesterday afternoon/evening/night?

Most of the morning was lost to sleep, drinking lots of water accompanied by the odd paracetamol or four.

After lunch I started to feel fully normal, with no ill effects from the dancing or the drink.  Apart from catching up on Saturday's washing, I didn't do very much.  I had hoped to read the papers but I was feeling very restless and not in the mood to settle so that didn't happen.

Not sure where the time went but it's now time to make dinner with son #3, then a bit of TV then sleep. 

...and so it came to pass that the day is drawing to a close. Read this week's poem for the last time, listened to some music and drifted off to sleep.

Motörhead / 'I'll Be Your Sister' / 'Overkill'



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