Tales From The Crypt - Thursday 29th July 2021

Usual Thursday, though maybe a bit more hectic: up early in time for the cleaner, finished writing a letter I'd started yesterday, carer arrived, chatted then went for my walk after she left and I'd put the remainder of the bins out.

Back from my walk, my office having been cleaned while I was out, I printed the letter and readied it for posting. By luck or judgement I returned from posting the letter moments before the second set of carers arrived for the day.   

I hastily made breakfast and sat down to eat it while the carers and cleaner worked their magic and I got stuck in to work, which then proceeded to dominate the day.

Later in the afternoon I had my mid-year review which, though positive, has ended up generating some short-term work and also re-focussed my mind on re-gaining my Level 2 Architecture Certification as soon as possible.  It needs doing, especially now I've completed the 'Being A Lead Architect' course (which is a pre-requisite), and this was the kick up the arse I need. Consequently I carried on working until a bit later than I'd originally planned, before son #3 returned from his gf's house and son #2 and I got dinner under way.

Rather than continue with the 3000 episodes of 'Spooks', we switched to the Netflix series, 'The Haunting of Bly Manor', which appears to owe some debt to 'The Turn of the Screw' by Henry James, though I've not had time to check on this yet. We watched the first episode while we ate, though after I'd finished eating I was incredibly tired (I have started taking my Mirtazapine a lot earlier, which doesn't help - 'chemical cosh' and all that) and so missed some of the latter third.  It was OK, though some of the 'so called' English accents were peculiar to my ears.

After that - well, I'll give you three guesses as to what comes next - what, no guesses required? Yep, the usual bollocks leading to fitful sleep, which seems to be the only sort of sleep I do of late.

ZZ Top / 'Just Got Paid' / 'Rio Grande Mud'

[[A belated tribute to Dusty Hill bassist of ZZ Top who died on the 27th]]



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