Tales From The Crypt - Friday 16th July 2021

This has felt like a really long week. I'm not sure if it's because I've been feeling so tired or if it's because it's the sixth and final week of my lead architect course or if it's due to something else entirely or maybe even a combination of all of the above, but Friday seems to have taken a long time to arrive. 

I go for my brisk walk as soon as I can as it looks like it's going to get really warm today.  On my return I scan the cover of the oldest issue of the Idler magazine that I have (Summer 2001 - Jeez! Twenty years ago, before son #3 was born and before my wife was aware of her MS etc) and share it with some Idler friends by email. That may be the highlight of my day.

The carers are here for their second visit (though it's the Thai twins for this call) and they notice that some of E's medical supplies are running low.  I decide to call the NHS order line immediately to avoid the risk of me forgetting and also to ensure they arrive before the end of next week. There are so many things to keep track of and she's oblivious to all of this, which is the way it should be.

The final session of my course starts at 9:30 and after getting a couple of work items out of the way I make breakfast ahead of the course.

Work is the dominant feature of my day until I finally stop, mainly owing to feeling absolutely drained.  On the plus side I am now on leave for over a week, which gives me an opportunity to explore this overwhelming tiredness.  On the final day of my leave I have the first of my counselling sessions which may also contribute to me getting to the bottom of this tiredness.

The penultimate task of the day is to take son #1 and his gf to the station, before getting the dinner started.  Having returned with son #1, it's definitely time to pour the wine.

Dinner, TV, reading, sleep. 

CHAI / 'Donuts Mind If I Do' / 'WINK'

[[CHAI's album 'WINK' is a pop confection with an energy that is beguiling. 'Donuts...' is one of the more laidback numbers]]



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