Tales From The Crypt - Monday 26th July 2021

Every now and then you have to have a day where you catch up on a bunch of things you've been putting off for a while, waiting for the perfect moment. Today is going to have to be that day.

I did start today with a walk but after that it was all about getting things done that I'm behind on.

The Community Matrons arrived mid-morning to see E, do a general check up and also take a look at the lesion (I think that's the right word) on her stomach near the PEG entry site.  It's been agreed that the carers will change the dressing three times a week and apply some antiseptic spray. They've also referred her to the Abbot nurse who will probably want to come and see her.

On top of that it looks as though one of cells of the air mattress has punctured again, so I've had to call out NRS healthcare.  All being well the engineer will arrive when E is hoisted into her chair tomorrow morning, though coordinating such things is always a nightmare because the carers' arrival time is unpredictable.

Spent what seemed like an eternity on the phone in the afternoon with E's bank: though I do have power of attorney over her finances, it's a right pain managing her bank account. The online part is easy but if you need to phone up and change something, like say the email address and mobile number associated with the account, it's an absolute pain, mainly because I so rarely need to do it that I forget the passphrase etc. In the end I had to go through three levels of security to prove my identity, FFS! In the end I achieved what was required, but...

I'm now about to read the papers from Friday, Saturday and Sunday: had no time to read them through a combination of being out most of the time, being hungover and having a load of chores to do too (!) Take your pick.

After taking son #1's gf to the station and collecting son #3 in town (he'd taken his gf to the station earlier) I returned to make dinner.

Dinner with all three sons, while watching another episode of 'Spooks' (we're nearly at the end of series 2, so we'll take a break from it and watch something else soon).  There have been some OK episodes, but I must admit watching it again after all these years, it doesn't seem as good as my memory suggested. Maybe the later series are better?

Naturally the next step is sleep by way of G.K. Chesterton and mermaids (well, one mermaid to be precise).

Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti / 'Can't Hear My Eyes' / 'Before Today'



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