Tales From The Crypt - Tuesday 27th July 2021

Today is the final day of my first period of leave this summer and, as one of the carers said, 'you should make the most of it'.  I'm quite limited by circumstance in making the most of the day though: I had NRS Healthcare here this morning replacing 3 of the cells in my wife's air mattress; I've got the Abbot nurse coming to check on the previously mentioned lesion; and thirdly today I have the first of my seven counselling sessions with Talking Therapies from 4:30 p.m.  All-in-all it's difficult to plan around these events, especially as two of the three of them are not timed - they happen when they happen, roughly.

The day started in the usual way, with me walking after the first carer left. When I returned I decided to try doing press-ups and weight lifts for the first time since my now repaired hernia was diagnosed. I managed 33 press-ups and 50 bicep-curls, which is a start, though my target would ultimately be 100 of each, at least. I guess now I've started I can see how it goes over the next few days and weeks.

One thing I want to do today is make some progress in reading 'The Mermaid of Black Conch' - I've only got until Monday evening to finish it, though on this occasion son #3's birthday meal out that evening will prevent me from going.  

After lunch I continue reading the book, but my reading interrupted by a text from the Abbot nurse: good news! He wants to visit at around 2 p.m. which gives me a bit of certainty and keeps it well clear of the counselling session at 4:30 p.m.

More things to remember and another prescription on its way: should arrive by Friday and then I'll tell the carers what they'll need to do in terms of applying the cream to the lesion.  Brain full of stuff.

Counselling session is now done: she obviously thinks there's a lot to be sorted as she has increased the number of sessions from 7 to 12. A lot came up for me to think about, and this was only week one. There are lots of things we didn't touch upon, though she has warned me she'll want to dig more deeply into some of things we discussed today. In for a penny...

Just as the carers arrive for the final call of the day I'm heading to the station with son #3 and his gf - she's returning home and I've kindly offered to give them a lift.

Back now and time to make dinner with son #3, which in turn leads to 'Spooks' then sleep by way of Lepanto, mermaid and Idler.

Yoko Ono / 'Mind Holes' / 'Fly'

[[Seemed like the most appropriate song for today]]



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