Tales From The Crypt - Sunday 11th July 2021

Seemingly just another Sunday when it started, though as it turns out one with a surprise, sort of, I guess, in store.

Things didn't get off to that good a start when I discovered that my son, who shall remain nameless (!), forgot to clear up after dinner last night so that when I went into the kitchen before the second carer call I was disappointed to see it was  mess, FFS!  I decided to get up and dressed and then deal with it.

Ate breakfast, did online food order, disappointment perhaps not unexpected, finished 'An Artist Of The Floating World', made lunch and watched a bit of a David Bowie documentary called something like 'The Last Five Years' while I ate my lunch alone - no-one else having surfaced yet.

Read today's paper ('The Observer') then watched Richard Branson enter space: the technology was interesting and the footage as the craft entered space, but the bullshit surrounding it was a bad case of 'pass the sick bag, Alice', I'm afraid.

I've discovered that I had misunderstood plans for tomorrow and, if all goes well it will be a busy day of yoga, lunch out followed by a walk, then the annual book club picnic in the evening (weather permitting). It's a good job I had checked as I now have some extra organising to do, starting with an early trip to the shops, I think.

Sons 1 and 2 went out to watch the football with friends, whilst I stayed in and watched it on my own.

Well that was disappointing. Bloody penalties. Time to retire.

David Bowie / 'Where Are We Now' / 'The Next Day'



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