Tales From The Crypt - Wednesday 14th July 2021

Started my day with a brisk walk in the sun before settling down to work.

I'm probably not going to find time to write much today owing to work.

Amongst the client work I also found time to re-do my client's Fire Awareness Training and also complete my employers mandatory training on Modern Slavery, which was eye opening to say the least.  The biggest shock was that there are more people working as slaves than there were at the time when slavery was abolished by law.

Around 5 p.m. I realised I was getting very tired as I was fooled into one of the company generated phishing email traps, something I've never done before. I have noticed lately that I feel tired a lot of the time, waking up tired and feeling that way for much of the day.  One thing I've realised is that I have started taking my anti-depressants later and later - I used to regularly take them around 7 p.m., but it's been slipping until 9 and later.  I'm going to try and see if taking them earlier helps with the early mornings, but it doesn't really explain the tiredness in the day.  I know I've not been sleeping as well recently and I guess the meltdown of the Talking Therapies call earlier in the week is an indicator that there may be other factors in play. This sort of tiredness can be a sign.  I guess my first step is to get back into the habit of taking Mirtazapine earlier in the evening, though that may require some changes to other aspects of our evenings, which may prove a little more difficult.  I also think I need a break, and luckily I do have next week off, though I've planned nothing yet as I've been too tired to think ahead.  Need to do something about that too.

Listened to some music to try and wake my brain, then started the dinner.

Watched another 'Spooks' with the extended family - son #1's gf is staying for a few days, then finished off the stuff for the bins before heading to bed for sleep.

Dry Cleaning / 'Every Day Carry' / 'New Long Leg'



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