Tales From The Crypt - Saturday 3rd July 2021

Usual start to a Saturday, shopping with son #3, followed by breakfast and the start of chores.

I've decided I don't want to keep referring to my wife as 'my wife' in these blogs as it is both cumbersome and too impersonal. Instead I shall refer to her as 'E', not that it is the initial of her name, but it does relate to her name and so is more personal from my perspective, at least.

Despite the skies threatening rain I'm going to take chance by cutting the grass and then doing a bit of serious hedge trimming.  I may even throw caution to the wind and hang some of the washing out!  Daredevil!

Before I manage to cut the grass, my mother-in-law calls and we have our usual catch-up.  It's good to talk, but I am conscious that the weather is good while I'm on the call and it may well change for the worse.  She speaks to her daughter, though she doesn't get anything back, of course.  E has been very tired of late and doesn't have her eyes open for much of the day, the warm weather can have a big impact on MS sufferers, making them even more fatigued than normal.

After playing reverse washing hokey cokey (out, in, out, in, out) the weather finally seems to have settled down and I can take advantage of solar and wind power to dry the washing.

Son #3 and I make lunch, partly driven by the his plans to spend the rest of today and the next few nights (number TBD) with his gf at his uni flat.

The grass is now, the hedges I wanted to trim are trimmed and I have wrecked the hedge trimmer, again, though this time I think it's trimmed its last hedge (or steel hoop hidden in the bushes, for that matter!)

Mid-afternoon my new CD writer arrived: son #2 and I fitted it in my PC and I spend some time testing it. The first exercise is calibrating it for ripping CDs with Exact Audio Copy (EAC), which takes a while but the most important process is burning a CD. The old CD burner was producing low quality CDs which mostly played, but had loads of surface errors. Initially I thought it was the brand of blank CDs I was using, but I found that the new drive burned CDs with a 100% perfect surface scan whereas the old drive was burning CDs with 98% damaged surface, some of which wouldn't play correctly in CD players. I shall probably have to replace some of the CDs I've recently burned. I bet you thought that was interesting!

My other sons will be going out this evening to watch the match with friends, so I'll be watching it alone.  The main consequence of this is that we're having dinner at an incredibly early time - around  7p.m. - which is almost unheard of in this house.

Wine at the ready, I settle down to watch the match.  

Great match and result: I'm actually glad I watched!

A bit of tidying then bed - I have to get up reasonably promptly tomorrow.

Polygon Window / 'Supremacy II' / 'Surfing On Sine Waves'



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