Tales From The Crypt - Friday 4th November 2022

The last day of my working week, and what a week.  It has been an exceptionally busy week, primarily, I guess, because it's end-of-year review time.

I had an unexpectedly long final call of the day, which meant I didn't finish as early as I wanted to, and hence another evening without music ensued.  

Son #2 started making dinner when a kind friend brought around E's latest meds on her way home from work.  Much appreciated as E is getting through liquid paracetamol fast, and for some reason, I can't seem to get the surgery to give her a month's worth.

Dinner served, I sat down and started to watch another episode of 'The Saint' - don't you raise your eyebrows at me, mate - before son #2 joined me to eat dinner. We're going to watch HIGNFY live, for once, so I head up for a chat with Q as she's off to bed early.  Chat over, In returned in time to watch HIGNFY live, before getting ready for bed myself.

I'm off to Liverpool tomorrow morning and am going to get up early and get on the road.

First, I must sleep via, the rainforest, The Idler magazine and BBC 6 Music.

Jamie xx / 'KILL DEM' / (Single)



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