Tales From The Crypt - Thursday 10th November 2022

Getting up this morning was a struggle, but nevertheless, get up we did.

Q's off to work and I'm going to have a lazy day of this and that, mainly reading, writing, talking and listening.

Foolishly I forgot to cancel the cleaner's visit this week and she arrived only to find I wasn't there and cleaning was not possible.  Distractions and jinxes.  I apologised profusely and will pay her extra next week.

At times, left to my own devices, I sometimes feel like a divided person, one foot on each side of an emotional equator.

Over lunch, I watched a documentary on FAC51/The Hacienda, the legendary Manchester nightclub in the 1980s and 1990s. Some great early footage of Madonna, Joy Division and The Smiths.

Time for meditation!

Son #2 is going for an MRI scan this afternoon, and this is on my mind, even though he'll not get the results today. Having been present in the room (with ear defenders) when E had the one that led to her MS diagnosis, I know how unpleasant MRI scans are.

In life, whatever life is like for you, there are always people close to you going through difficult times.  All you can do is reach out, and be there to help, if you can.

Q got home early this afternoon as she's been visiting a school in Warrington. As a result we eat early and have a fun, sociable meal.

After dinner, Q's daughter decided we needed a dessert, so she headed off to M&S and came back with several.

After dessert and more chat, time for bed.  The fun is coming to an end.

Todd Rundgren / 'Don't You Ever Learn' / 'Todd'

[[For some inexplicable reason I keep finding myself back at this (double) album, and this song's lyrics seem most relevant today. Apparently not.]]


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