Tales From The Crypt - Wednesday 23rd November 2022

This morning it's pouring with rain and the motivation to walk is low.  Instead I'll do something much more exciting. Work!?!?

Despite not having a lot to write today for the usual reason, I'm not resorting to quoting this week's poem (last resort of a scoundrel) because I'm undecided about it.  It's by William Wordsworth, who I've yet to read a poem by that I really like (though there are many I've not read to be fair to the fella), and this one, 'Composed upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802', doesn't sit well with me, even though I do love London.  See!  You can write words on a poem without quoting it. Excellent, Smithers.

Work is stupendously busy, so there hasn't been much else of note today.  Shopping was delivered whilst I was working, and that was the pinnacle of the excitement during the working hours.

Ate dinner whilst watching a programme on the history of the Edinburgh Fringe, featuring many famous peeps, including the wonderful Phoebe Waller-Bridge and the equally magnificent Alexei Sayle.

To bed!

My Life Story / '12 Reasons Why I Love Her' / 'The Golden Mile'

[[The longest intro before singing begins?]]


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