Tales From The Crypt - Monday 7th November 2022

Q's off to work whilst I'm minding the fort and, most importantly, Bagheera, the cat.

How do I intend to spend my day? First off, finishing and posting my blog for yesterday. Starting this post, too, both of these whilst listening to 'Freak Zone'.  I'm also planning to read the weekend papers and, if the stars align, have a call with a friend in Berlin. The world is my lobster.

Apart from enjoying myself, I have also done a few chores around the house.  Nothing major, just trying to ease the load for the worker.

Q comes home for lunch, which was an unexpected and equally pleasant surprise.  The advantage of working just across the road.

Bagheera is unusually quiet and sleepy today, perhaps she was disturbed by last night's fireworks.

I've finished the papers and 'Freak Zone', in plenty of time for a call with a friend in Berlin.

After a good chat about the impending apocalypse, how life is for both of us, and how Berlin is affected by the energy and cost of living crisis, we called it a day as we agreed we could change nothing outside our personal spheres.  Q and I have an open invite to visit Berlin next year and as we're all keen for it to happen, I'm sure it will.

Just before 3 pm, Q arrived home ahead of the 'man with a van', ready to empty a room of boxes (floor to ceiling) and put them into storage. In just under 2 hours the van was loaded and we were following on our way to the city centre. The guy was very chatty and gave us loads of recommendations for restaurants (Chinese, Thai etc) and the best chippy in Liverpool.

The best chippy, allegedly, happens to be a 5-minute walk from here, and so after returning from the lock-up, we decided to check it out. 

I can confirm that it is good. The haddock I had was great, with very light batter, great hand-cut chips and mushy peas.  Excellent dinner and it's not even a Friday.

Not too much washing up, watched a bit of TV (getting to know the new Sky streaming service) and then the usual wind down to the end of the day.

Yeah Yeah Yeahs / 'Wolf' / 'Cool It Down'



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