Tales From The Crypt - Sunday 20th November 2022

A quiet and late start to the day.  Not a lot planned, more of a chilled day getting things organised for the upcoming heightened period of activity.

We had a late, cooked breakfast, a pleasant way to start the day.

Breakfast is over and it's time for housework.  Vacuuming and floor mopping, with an attempt to fix the patio door thrown in for good measure. 

I'm not sure how things moved across to this topic, but in the afternoon I found myself investigating my DNA and updating my family tree.  This became absorbing and, having made a fair bit of progress populating the tree, it was suddenly dinner time.  I say 'suddenly', but Q had started making dinner earlier and was cooking a Korma she'd made in the slow cooker.

After dinner we returned to the family tree, despite the rain and wind.

A merry evening was had by all. Q's daughter is returning from Europe later and Q is due to pick her up from the airport.  Q is feeling tired so I offer to drive instead, and at about ten past ten we head off into the night air.

Back now and midnight is approaching, we're all feeling tired, so we'll follow Zebedee's usual advice.

Orbital / 'Smiley' / '30 Something'



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