Tales From The Crypt - Wednesday 16th November 2022

Fun, fun, fun...but exclusively in the domain of work, so I can say no more! (nudge, nudge...)

What a day! The main socket circuit breaker has been tripping more often than someone who takes a lot of trips (Granny?)

As a consequence the internet has been doing the hokey cokey, often during Google Meet sessions, making me seem like the phantom flan flinger or the Scarlet Pimpernel.

As I had nothing else to go on, apart from the fact that it was pouring with rain and in the past it has been suggested (by the network supplier) that the solar power could cause surges, in the end I went up in the loft and switched the inverter off (not the sun!), despite no evidence.

Unfortunately it didn't solve the problem, and later on in the evening when the constant on and off had driven us all to distraction, I discovered we weren't the only house experiencing supply problems.

At some point amongst all the electrical madness, whilst the rain continued to pour down, a kind friend delivered more meds for E.  This was much appreciated by both of us. Thanks!

After calling the power network supply company, I discovered there was a fault in the area and engineers were attempting to fix it.  (Apparently they've dug a hole and are looking into it. Boom, tish!)

This was the point at which I decided to call it a day. A day.

I fear that I ranted to Q about the electrickery and this caused her to feel immensely tired and we said goodnight.

I attempted to go to sleep, though the power was up and down like something known for going up and down, a lot.

Bob Vylan / 'I Heard You Want Your Country Back' / (Live)

[[This, I like. A lot.]]


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