Tales From The Crypt - Monday 14th November 2022

A busy day ahead, despite it being my day off.  When the first carer of the day comes I've got to remember to tell her not to start the PEG pump as the nurses are coming to replace E's PEG tube.

At some point after 8 a.m. I'm expecting someone to arrive an connect me to the smart meter network (oh what joy!), and then the nurses are due too.

It's all underway.  The man is here to smart meter me and, and, in case it makes any difference I've washed and am now drying the bedding I changed today.

I now have an in-home display and I'm watching the bill go up. That is progress. (Is it really?)

Although the community matron arrived for E's PEG change, the Abbot nurse (not NHS, just to be clear) did not.  The PEG change is now delayed until next Tuesday.  Pig's bum! On the plus side, this means I can go and buy a card and get a few bits of shopping before the lunchtime rush. Little things.

The afternoon was spent doing a variety of things, including cleaning the filters over the hob extractor fan/hood. I'm not sure what possessed me, but something clearly did.

Despite being possessed, I started dinner, as usual, whilst engaged in a WhatsApp discussion with son #1 about when he was returning home.

Over dinner I watched Louis Theroux interviewing Dame Judi Dench.  I expected it to be a bit dull, but it was anything but.  At the end of it, I decided I liked DJD, at least as far as such a brief interview permits. There were a couple of moments when I thought that the camera was unnecessarily intrusive, but overall it was interesting and funny at times.

Fat Larry's Band / 'Zoom' / 'Breakin' Out'

[[Unexpectedly better than I recall]]


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