Tales From The Crypt - Saturday 26th November 2022

I got plans, and they are multiplying, however, mercifully, no grease is required. PTL!

First off, after the usual billhooks, a trip to the shops, for food, cash, music magz (mebbe - it's EOY music review time, but they may not be in the shops yet), and a hair and beard cut at a Turkish barbers.

I'm home, the carers are here, and on my way home I've had a chat with Q. What better way to start the day? (Answers on a postcard, please..)

Cutting my hair is, to be honest, relatively simple and almost impossible to screw up. The beard trim and shape was a very thorough process though, finishing with hand, arm and back massage! Where will it all end? Not too happily, I hope.

Unfortunately, as mentioned previously (yesterday...all my troubles STOP!!), I have to do some actual work today, in the form of two IT training courses.  Floppy equine hybrid.

It's data not data!!!

It's time to make dinner now and, as I've spent something like seven hours on these two courses, son #2 is making the dinner.  In fact he started making the dinner before I finished the second course.

Son #2 and I watched a programme on BBC Four about wild Arabia, which was eye-opening.  The citizens of Abu Dhabi consume more electricity and water per head than anyone else in the world, which I was staggered to learn.

I'm recording a documentary on BBC2 about Jimi Hendrix in Maui, that looks to be fascinating, but I'll save that for a rainy day. Oh, wait! That's every day at the moment.

(It would be really good if you could directly capture your thoughts as words in a document like this as they occurred.  You'd obviously have to censor them before publication, but it wouldn't half make writing a blog easier. I don't think it would be safe to capture images, though, obviously!)

Hollie Cook / 'Full Moon Baby' / 'Happy Hour'



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